Corporate services

In conjunction with the growth of the Luxembourg financial place, related activities have been developed through products and services offered to an international clientele. 

As such, Luxembourg has positioned itself as a major player for any project with an international financial scope. Luxembourg’s strengths lie not only in its political stability but also in its experience, expertise and the quality of its services.

Our corporate department essentially offers services aimed at unregulated Luxembourgish companies. Financial interest holding companies (Soparfis), family wealth management companies (SPF), securitisation companies (Sociétés de titrisation), IP (intellectual property) companies.

Our ‘corporate’ department works with individuals but also groups of companies operating in a constantly changing international climate and wishing to outsource the management and administration of their assets to an experienced professional working in a recognised, stable and appealing jurisdiction.

We offer all the services a company might need throughout its life :

  • Incorporation of companies
  • Business license and registrations
  • Providing of companies’ headquarters
  • Directorships
  • Administrative and legal support
  • Mergers, split and liquidation of companies

Our experts

  • Philippe Vanderhoven
  • Sylvie Talmas
  • Sandra Kaiser


Director Corporate Services Department


Senior Manager Corporate Services


Manager Corporate Services